Boulder Public Library, Boulder, Colorado, January, 2022. "Lookout Road". Exhibition on the Arapahoe Ramp.
Boulder Daily Camera, Boulder, Colorado, November, 2021.
American Mountaineering Museum, Golden, Colorado, February 2020. 2020 Colorado Environmental Film Festival Photography Exhibition, Juried Photography Competition.
American Mountaineering Museum, Golden, Colorado, February 2019. 2019 Colorado Environmental Film Festival Photography Exhibition, Juried Photography Competition.
Boulder Lifestyle Magazine, May, 2018. A photo essay of the theater production Merryville, USA, at E-town Hall in Boulder, Colorado.
Mercury Framing and Gallery, Boulder, Colorado, January 2018. "Once, Along The Backroad."
HOVAB, A History of The Visual Arts In Boulder, Boulder, Colorado, September, 2016. A curated arts exhibit.
A Deeper Perspective on Alzheimer’s and Other Dementias, February 2015. A book publication by Megan Carnarius, Findhorn Press.
The Sun Magazine, Issue 458, February, 2014.
Museum of Contemporary Art at the Ozark, Hot Springs, Arkansas, September 2009. Non-juried grand opening art exhibit and auction.
Flash Gallery, Denver, Colorado, April 2009. "Mind-Full", a juried exhibition of contemplative photography.
Uncontained: Writers and Photographers in the Garden and the Margins, Boulder, Colorado, June 2007. A book publication by Jennifer Heath, Baksun Books.
Marion Center for Photographic Arts, College of Santa Fe, Santa Fe, New Mexico, February 2007. Salon Series presentation. "In The Light Abiding: A Portrait of Alzheimer's".
Social Documentary Photography Exchange, 2003. A curriculum document for teachers in participating schools/countries to use in conducting the Social Documentary Photography Exchange Project. Placed in Special Collections, Norlin Library, University of Colorado at Boulder. To view publication,click here.
The Dairy Center for the Arts, Boulder, Colorado, January 2005. "Outside of Time", juried solo photography exhibit.
The Photographer's Gallery, Denver, Colorado, March 2002. "Ordinary Dreams", single wall exhibit.
Rocky Mountain Regional Juried Photography Exhibition, Manitou Springs, Colorado, July 2002.
Payerbach, Austria, January 2000, "100 Sacred Visions", international juried exhibition.
New York Center for Photographic Art, NY, NY, October, 2018. "Summer", an International Juried Competition, awarded Honorable Mention.
Texas Photographic Society, San Francisco, California, and Houston, Texas, February 2006. 21st Annual Members' Only Show and Fotofest 2006 ,juried exhibition, awarded First Place.
Alfred Lowenherz Gallery in The Camera Club of New York, NY, NY, October 2005.2005 National Juried Photography Competition, awarded Honorable Mention.
Boulder Arts Association, Boulder, Colorado, March 2004. National Juried Photography Exhibition, awarded First Place in black and white.
Social Science Education Consortium, funded by the United States Department of Education, 2003. Social Documentary Photography Exchange Project. Using digital cameras and the Internet, high school students in Boulder exchange social documentary photography projects about culture with students in Yerevan, Armenia.
Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado. School of Fine Arts, Contemplative Photography, 2017-2018.
Photography Tutor, Boulder Colorado. One on one instruction to adults in basic camera use.
New Vista High School, Boulder, Colorado. Established the photography program. Designed and taught three levels of Black and White Photography, Color Slide Photography, Portraiture, Social Documentary Photography and International Social Documentary Photography Exchange (Digital). Mentored seniors on culminating graduation projects in photography.
September School, Boulder, Colorado. Established the darkroom. Taught black and white photography and supervised the yearbook production.
Walt Clark Middle School, Loveland, Colorado. Instruction in basic black and white film developing.
Tufts University, Medford, Massachusetts. Supervised student staff in the photography, layout, and format design of the yearbook.
Boulder Photo Center, Boulder, Colorado. Provided instruction to adults in black and white photography.